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Добавлено: 20 авг 2010, 17:11
casual писал(а):да ну.
не знаешь англ яз - не надо говорить что непонятно.
почитай тексты песен!
:coolbiggrin:я знаю английский немецкий украинский русский и учу японский.
p.s.меня в школе на год посылали ехать в америку так что я его слегка знаю:coolbiggrin:

Добавлено: 20 авг 2010, 19:00
я знаю русский) на остальное я ссал =)

Добавлено: 20 авг 2010, 19:31
Jeyson и правильно!
штирлиц ну ты читер

Добавлено: 20 авг 2010, 20:41
animal писал(а):Jeyson и правильно!
штирлиц ну ты читер
а че я читер ?

Добавлено: 20 авг 2010, 20:59
а ну брякни шонить шоб я не понял нехера
на англ.

Добавлено: 20 авг 2010, 21:08
casual писал(а):а ну брякни шонить шоб я не понял нехера
на англ.
london is the capital of great britain. подойдет?

Добавлено: 20 авг 2010, 21:58
really ?)

Добавлено: 20 авг 2010, 22:18
ye man i see you are in the theme so stay cool up there till casual is screaming in the corner because of my awesome english:good:

Добавлено: 20 авг 2010, 22:46
штирлиц писал(а):а че я читер ?
ну в смысле ваще хорош вундеркинг или как там

Добавлено: 20 авг 2010, 22:52
animal писал(а):ну в смысле ваще хорош вундеркинг или как там
а ну то понятно а то читер имеет другое обяснение

Добавлено: 20 авг 2010, 23:07
мда.. грамотность письма оставляет желать лучшего)) на англ.яз естественно

Добавлено: 20 авг 2010, 23:08
casual писал(а):мда.. грамотность письма оставляет желать лучшего)) на англ.яз естественно
ух ты ни хрена заявочка.где ошибки ?про because я сам знаю

Добавлено: 20 авг 2010, 23:18
штирлиц жжёт
есть пару помарок, но в целом хорошо)

Добавлено: 20 авг 2010, 23:23
так просто спешил и долго клавой не пользовался пальцы печатать отвыкли вот и проскальзывают.:dance3:

Добавлено: 21 авг 2010, 00:00
тогда простительно)
да там еще были какие-то намутки со словом "тема"

Добавлено: 21 авг 2010, 00:05
casual писал(а):тогда простительно)
да там еще были какие-то намутки со словом "тема"
да я видел теперь все четка .

Добавлено: 21 авг 2010, 09:57
Reading of texts in English - one of ways of studying of language. Texts in English if they are picked correctly up, can help with language studying. Incorrectly and ineptly picked up texts in English are capable to discourage and desire to study language the most proof and persistent. Important not correctly to pick up texts, but also it is correct with these texts to work. The main principle of work with texts in English consists, and it for anybody not a secret, in their reading. But reading of texts can be a miscellaneous, both on the purposes, and in the ways, котрыми these purposes are reached. The most widespread purposes which the reader of texts in English achieves, are: replenishment of the general or thematic lexicon, training and training in a pronunciation of English words and expressions, fastening of rules of English grammar by analysis of typical examples meeting in the text and their repeated repetition on purpose запоминнания etc. It is obvious that selection of texts corresponding to these purposes is necessary for their achievement in English.
Other criterion on which texts for reading in English should get out their complexity (lexical, grammatical) is. For beginning language studying texts are necessary easier and more shortly not to have time to disseminate their attention and not to tire ahead of time. For skilled trainees difficult texts the big variety of grammatical forms and a lexical material are accordingly necessary. The choice of English texts for reading can be carried out independently - by practical consideration, or by means of the teacher. The second way is more preferable, as професиональный the teacher can define more precisely your level of knowledge of language and pick up corresponding texts. If you are engaged in studying of English language independently you should choose texts in English proceeding from following reasons - the quantity of unfamiliar words in the English text shouldn't exceed 10-15 %. Reading of English texts with a considerable quantity of new words will take away a lot of time for references to the dictionary and will lower эффективость storing of new words. Good вариантим works with texts reading of small fragments with the transfer resulted in the end most compound words and expressions in English is. Translation of words will save времы on the reference to the dictionary and the transcription will help to learn correctly to say a word.

Добавлено: 21 авг 2010, 11:35
а зачем тут русские слова есть?) штук 5

Добавлено: 21 авг 2010, 11:36
animal писал(а):Reading of texts in English - one of ways of studying of language. Texts in English if they are picked correctly up, can help with language studying. Incorrectly and ineptly picked up texts in English are capable to discourage and desire to study language the most proof and persistent. Important not correctly to pick up texts, but also it is correct with these texts to work. The main principle of work with texts in English consists, and it for anybody not a secret, in their reading. But reading of texts can be a miscellaneous, both on the purposes, and in the ways, котрыми these purposes are reached. The most widespread purposes which the reader of texts in English achieves, are: replenishment of the general or thematic lexicon, training and training in a pronunciation of English words and expressions, fastening of rules of English grammar by analysis of typical examples meeting in the text and their repeated repetition on purpose запоминнания etc. It is obvious that selection of texts corresponding to these purposes is necessary for their achievement in English.
Other criterion on which texts for reading in English should get out their complexity (lexical, grammatical) is. For beginning language studying texts are necessary easier and more shortly not to have time to disseminate their attention and not to tire ahead of time. For skilled trainees difficult texts the big variety of grammatical forms and a lexical material are accordingly necessary. The choice of English texts for reading can be carried out independently - by practical consideration, or by means of the teacher. The second way is more preferable, as професиональный the teacher can define more precisely your level of knowledge of language and pick up corresponding texts. If you are engaged in studying of English language independently you should choose texts in English proceeding from following reasons - the quantity of unfamiliar words in the English text shouldn't exceed 10-15 %. Reading of English texts with a considerable quantity of new words will take away a lot of time for references to the dictionary and will lower эффективость storing of new words. Good вариантим works with texts reading of small fragments with the transfer resulted in the end most compound words and expressions in English is. Translation of words will save времы on the reference to the dictionary and the transcription will help to learn correctly to say a word.

Добавлено: 21 авг 2010, 11:41
а зачем внизу есть кнопка правка?)))